
Global data about LiveArt users and their on-chain activity

The World’s #1 ArtFi Ecosystem

Multi-chain data provided by Cookie3 Analytics engine. Read more

Total wallets

The number of wallets actively engaged in LiveArt’s activities over time

Wallets Count


USD value of assets held by the wallets, including stablecoins, native tokens, altcoins and NFTS


Unique weekly active wallets

The number of wallets actively engaged each week

Wallets count

Stats are updated daily. The last bar in the chart is an estimate for the current week based on today's data.

Engaged user interactions

The number of interactions users had each week

Interactions count

Stats are updated daily. The last bar in the chart is an estimate for the current week based on today's data.

Transactions count and volume on-chain (last 3 months)

How many transactions are made and what is the volume?

Total count


Total volume


Transactions Count

Transactions Volume

Wallets by chain

What is the distribution of wallets by blockchain?

Wallet age

What is the wallet age distribution?